
Welcome to the Builder’s Refuge. The refuge is a passion project we started to accommodate professional Minecraft builders who are looking for a personal or commercial space to build and create art.  We offer premium services at no charge along with a network of other builders and resources to help you become successful.

Server IP

112.buildersrefuge.com (1.12.2)
120.buildersrefuge.com (1.20.x)


Build in either 1.12.2 or 1.20

We currently offer the ability to build on our 1.12.2 server (112.buildersrefuge.com) or our 1.20.4 server (120.buildersrefuge.com).  Both have a similar layout in network design to make it easy to navigate and start building!

Community Build Server

Our community build server consists of small 75×75 plots, medium 251×251 plots, and oversized 501×501 plots.  Unlike other creative servers, there is no joining or rank-up process! You immediately have full access to our build tools (WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, goPaint, goBrush, and many more including our very own Builder’s Utilities).

Community plot server shortcuts:  /plot75, /plot251, /plot501

Member Build Servers

We provide our members with private build space to express their creativity and use popular in-game building tools.  We also accommodate self-serve uploading and downloading of schematics and import or export worlds for your larger projects.  In essence, we can function as your private build server.  Members can also use the community build server. Members also get free use of Arceon, a premium build plugin created by Arcaniax.

Member build area shortcut:  /build

Partners of Builder’s Refuge

Darwin Reforged

Darwin Reforged is in the Builder’s Refuge family and they specialize in creative building with the Conquest Reforged modpack! Their server hosts plots, freebuilding, contests, and community projects.

Everbloom Studios

Builder’s Refuge is excited to be hosting maps that are featured in Everbloom Studios YouTube Build Series! When on the server, type “/menu” then click on Everbloom Showcase!

MC Architects Union

We are proud to support the work of the MC Architects Union.  This organization distributes information important to the client and builder relationship and works to help mediate disputes.